Steel Magnolias

  • Director: Kenny Leon
  • Release Date: 2012
  • Run Time: 85 min
  • Genre: Drama, Romance

Steel Magnolias is the story of six small-town Louisiana women who deeply care about and for each other. At the heart of the story is M'Lynn Eatenton (Field) and her vibrant but diabetic daughter Shelby (Roberts). The two love each other, yet they struggle for control of Shelby's life. Despite warnings from doctors that pregnancy might be life-threatening, Shelby decides--much to M'Lynn's chagrin--to have a child. A year later, as a result of childbearing, her kidneys fail. In an act of love that enhances their bond, M'Lynn donates one of her kidneys to save Shelby's life. The reprieve is short-term, however; Shelby later dies from kidney-related complications.

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